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Loving God and Loving Others Fearlessly
The Psalms command the saints and "all the earth" to praise the Lord. "Let EVERYTHING that has breath . . . praise the Lord." Our hearts of worship are at the very core of who we are before God and all that we will be for eternity! If we are not learning to "sing for joy", "shouting to the Lord", or "praiseing His name with dancing"...if we are not "bowing in reverence before His throne", learning to "be still" and to "lift our souls before Him."... if we are not doing these things NOW, how will we ever be ready to "praise Him with the heavenly hosts" when we see Him face to Face?! We need to be singing "GREAT IS THE LORD AND WORTHY OF PRAISE" now, here on earth! We need to know Jesus NOW and to realize He is worthy of all honor and glory, and have our lives be one complete act of worship to Him! Then when we come together on a Sunday morning or a Tuesday night, we are already walking with Him, adoring Him, crying out to Him, and our worship to Him simply continues to flow as we come alongside one another.
Coming Up:

Have Mercy Dance 2020

The Arts
Spoken Word
Spoken Word is an art form that combines poetry, rhythm, drama and inflection in a modern way to express a thought or revelation.
More Spoken Word pieces can be viewed on our YouTube channel.

Artists in Residence
The Artist in Residence Program was established at Cornerstone Christian Fellowship in 2002 to restore the arts to the church through empowering artists in our church community. Participants for this program are chosen then commissioned to create their art on a theme given by the Director of Worship and the Arts, for use and ownership of the church. The artist is compensated for his or her original piece, plus a percentage of any sellable items.




AIR Reveal | May 6, 2018

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