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Loving God and Loving Others Fearlessly
Psalm 2
God, you've always been right beside me. When comfort and self are all I see You are there. When grief and loss overtake me You are there...
Matt Kistler
Oct 4, 20231 min read
My God is Better than your god!
Imagine a world in which power struggles regularly erupt between rival factions whose tribes gather at the field of battle to pit their...
Brian Chilcote
Sep 30, 202314 min read
An Invitation to Uncertainty
"Trust is the bedrock of social life at all levels, from romance and parenting to national government. Deception always undermines it....
Brian Chilcote
Aug 24, 20236 min read
Psalm 1
God, you are bigger than my problems. You care that I grieve but God, my challenges are small when I lift my eyes away from my mirrors...
Matt Kistler
Aug 23, 20231 min read
Homosexuality and the Bible Part Three
Examples of misunderstood New Testament verses First let's remind ourselves of the Greco-Roman-Jewish perspectives that are unique to the...
Brian Chilcote
Aug 3, 202318 min read
Homosexuality and the Bible Part Two
Now let's look at those unusual passages in the Bible, remembering that they reflect the sensibilities of post-exilic conservative Jews...
Brian Chilcote
Aug 3, 20239 min read
Homosexuality and the Bible, Part One
Data over Dogma is a popular podcast that features Bible scholar Dan McClellan and Atheist Dan Beecher interacting with biblical material...
Brian Chilcote
Aug 3, 20237 min read
Bible Things That Make You Go, "Huh?"
"What is it?" Whether it's Superman, a UFO or a strange sea creature, inquiring humans want to know. We make our best guesses: A bird? A...
Brian Chilcote
Jun 30, 202313 min read
Genocidal Joshua?
What about the bothersome parts of the Bible that depict God telling people to kill other people? How did these scenes make it into our...
Brian Chilcote
Apr 13, 202311 min read
Can I get Your Autograph?
Thoughts on the Authorship of Scripture We cannot be dependent on the “original autographs,” not only because we do not have them, but...
Brian Chilcote
Mar 21, 20239 min read
They Told Stories About Him
"… Jesus was the kind of extraordinary person who inspired people so profoundly that they told stories about him. As they did, they...
Brian Chilcote
Mar 16, 20237 min read
It's All About That Center
What do the Pentagon, Lower Manhattan and Lindor Truffles have in common? We associate each one with the idea of a Center. Especially...
Brian Chilcote
Mar 9, 202311 min read
Interrogating Biblical Inspiration
"We contend that viewing the inspiration of Scripture solely from the cognitive environment of print culture opens the door to...
Brian Chilcote
Mar 2, 202313 min read
Sources of Truth: How do we know what we know?
You've seen optical illusions- they're everywhere. In times past, decorators and artists would produce paintings called trompe l'oeil...
Brian Chilcote
Feb 21, 202320 min read
Time, Text and Translation: A (very) Brief Biography of the New Testament
It's around 40 CE. Stories and sayings of Jesus are circulating around Jerusalem, other nearby urban centers and Galilee. A novel Jewish...
Brian Chilcote
Feb 16, 202322 min read
A Kaleidoscopic View of John 15-16
As I prepared to talk about John 15:26-16:4 over the last few weeks, I have to admit that I struggled. At first glance, I didn't feel...
Matt Kistler
Feb 2, 20238 min read
Peeking Over the Wall of Certainty
Many churchgoing believers are given the impression that the Bible is totally unique among written works. We are taught that in subject...
Brian Chilcote
Jan 26, 20239 min read
The Centered Set Church Part 2
Is it easier to define your social world using negatives or positives? In other words, is it more important to establish your group by...
Brian Chilcote
Jan 10, 20237 min read
The Centered Set Church
We human beings can't seem to escape our natural affinity for hierarchies, pecking orders, in- and out-groups, us-versus-them and general...
Brian Chilcote
Dec 30, 20229 min read
What's so Apocalyptic about the Gospel?
There's more than one way to see the Good News. Ever heard of an exophytic complex cyst adjacent to the splenic dome? Unless you're a...
Brian Chilcote
Dec 20, 202223 min read
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