Loving God and Loving Others Fearlessly
Hospitality Ministry
The mission of the Hospitality Ministry is to make people feel welcome and comfortable when they come to CCF and to serve the church and community with hospitality.
Meal Trains
Whenever an individual or family goes through a life-altering event (birth of a child, injury, hospitalization, death in the family, etc.), the Hospitality ministry organizes our church community to provide meals to these individuals and families to support and bless them in their time of need.
New Members Classes
Those who are interested in becoming members at CCF are warmly welcomed by the Hospitality team as they help organize and lead membership classes.
Special Events
The first Sunday of each month, the Hospitality team organizes and prepares communion for our church body to participate in.
Outdoor Services & Picnics
In the summer months, the Hospitality team works hard to organize food and hospitality for our annual Block Party, Baptism and Outdoor Service, and other events we host for our community and surrounding neighborhood.
Cookies, Coffee & Fellowship
The Hospitality team strives to build unit and connection among the community through periodic small receptions after special Sunday services & family fun nights where people can enjoy cookies, coffee, & fellowship with each other.
Want to be a part of the Hospitality Team?
We are always in need of helping hands on our team! Please contact us if you would like to learn more about joining our team!