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Artist in Residence Program

The Artist in Residence Program was established at Cornerstone Christian Fellowship in 2002 to restore the arts to the church through empowering artists in our church community. Participants for this program are chosen then commissioned to create their art on a theme given by the Director of Worship and the Arts, for use and ownership of the church. The artist is compensated for his or her original piece, plus a percentage of any sellable items.

To learn more about Cornerstone's AIR program or to purchase pieces of artwork, contact:

Joni Miller
Director of Worship & The Arts


Beauty for Ashes  |  Expectation

This year's AIR project had two artists commissioned, each commissioned with a different theme. The theme of "Beauty for Ashes" was portrayed through recycled art and the theme of "Expectation" was portrayed through photography displayed on a natural surface. 


Terri Moss Witmyer and Elijah Rottman 



Four artists were commissioned on the theme of "Move." Through the medium of photography, these artists captured ways in which we move as a body of Chris: in grace, in unity, in joy, and in freedom. Each individual piece is available as a greeting card and are available for purchase.


Danielle Saletta, Brian McCloskey, Carla DeMarco, and Kristine Vuocolo


Prayers of Passion

Nine artists were commissioned on the theme of "Prayers of Passion." The original nine pieces of art are framed, as one complete piece, and are on display in the Cornerstone sanctuary. Each individual piece has been featured in a gift set of nine greeting cards and is available for purchase.


Phil Bruner, Elley Chadwick, Scott Edwards, Claire Gavin, Wesley Yoder,

Dana Miller, Gretchen Cole, Kirah Stoltzfus, and Tony Saletta.



Commissioned with the theme 'Release', this year's artist used traditional wood working techniques to create his interpretation. The completed piece includes hand carved chains, broken at the foot of the cross. Photo prints of the work in progress are available for purchase, as well as hand carved chains upon special request.


Bob Kenny


New Wine

Cornerstone's first Artist in Residence was commissioned with the theme 'New Wine'.

Using watercolor, he created a masterful interpretation based on that theme.

High quality prints are available for purchase.


Chris Chadwick

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